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Auld Lang Syne...友誼萬歲...

To all my family and friends, yes we are at the end of the year 2008, And look forward to a brand New Year 2009!!! Hereby wishes everyone A very Happy New Year, Healthy and Prosperous Year!! So many well wishes to be named..... Best Wishes is the word to greet everyone.... Remember to discard which ever unhappiness on 2008 and not bring forward to 2009 ya... A very nice piece of music i found and wish to share with all.....

Auld Lang Syne

Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and never brought to mind ?
Should old acquaintance be forgot,
and old times since ?

For auld lang syne, my dear,
for auld lang syne,
we'll take a cup of kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.

And surely you’ll buy your pint cup !
And surely I’ll buy mine !
And we'll take a cup o’ kindness yet,
for auld lang syne.


We two have run about the slopes,
and picked the daisies fine ;
But we’ve wandered many a weary foot,
since auld lang syne.


We two have paddled in the stream,
from morning sun till dine† ;
But seas between us broad have roared
since auld lang syne.


And there’s a hand my trusty friend !
And give us a hand o’ thine !
And we’ll take a right good-will draught,
for auld lang syne.


Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/31/2008 01:33:00 PM




Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/30/2008 07:52:00 PM

Went For A Jog...

Supposingly, going to Uncle's condo for swim and sauna, in the end it was cancelled. So i went for a jog instead. Remember the old peh peh? i met him there again where we last saw each other with his pet dog. We went jogging together. There's one saying "姜还是老的辣" it's very true. I didn't really talk and like my usual self he can sense something is wrong and we had a long chat. And make me have an eye opening too...

Got to give some deep thoughts over again for what i am in the position now. Feel sorry that i scare my mum earlier on, i passed out suddenly at home. I feel so bad to see her worrying about me. she did ask me not to go jogging and yet i insist. sigh.... Anyway i'm fine now.... Nothing can beats me down. I'm a Strong gal now and always....


Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/28/2008 08:02:00 PM











Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/28/2008 01:25:00 PM

I Was Sick & Now i Am Confused....

Yeah... little updates....Change of Music and background again...

I spend Christmas with him!! Yippy.... I'm Happy... At least not like what i felt earlier when i said this year christmas will be a blue one... we catch Australia.... Long Movie 3 hours plus show.... after that i gave the pressie i made for him, i can't feel if he likes it anot but i hope he likes it... of cos after heard what his ex's had prepare for him i am no one to compare with. Perhaps i can say each and individual likes. anyway forget abt that not forgetting him reminded me not to feel upset or anything. yada yada............ Went back during noon and was starting feeling unwell... sigh..

And yes i was sick... i was down with high fever then on medical leave for 2 days..... during the period of time, i've assorted kinds of feeling and emotions. I had nightmares too... it's a real tortured feeling for me =( i even had the mind set of letting go of everything..... Have this ever happened before in u? Like when u are feeling so sick and yet you don't feel like letting your love one knows about it, yet at the same time you wish him by your side to care abt you to take care of you... I'm so sick till i can't moved out from my bed, but just to take medicine and slp continously. Felt like i am dying! it's been so long since i fall sick this way. I cannot imagine if i just go off.... which i even wished i could to be frank. =( I hate myself alot. I hate myself for not walking out from my past completely and having so many nonsense feeling, insecureness,low self esteem, no confidence,forgetting how to trust my partner, or is it i am not able to feel the love from my partner to let me imaginations run wild again? i seriously don't know!! I'm feeling very vexed. The feeling is like i am being locked in a dark room calling for help from outside and yet i can't be heard by anyone to come to my rescue. I'm so scare. I feel like i am like the little child again. Why am i behaving like this? Ain't me the very strong gal always? =~( I'm feeling very pain.... Is it really so hard to fall in Love again? What's wrong with me?? Is there a someone who can be understanding and can go thru with what i am going thru to able to be strong and trust love again? Will there be the someone who really have the patience in me with my nonsenses? Will there be the someone who's really willing to exchange love with me? If i am willing to step out and change for the better for everything, will you be the one who gives me your full support and work it out together with me ? Will there really be the one there? Yes i know you are there, but these questions kept coming into my mind, i wondered how long will this last.... yes ppl who's reading this must be scolding me silly and crappy but seriously this is what i wanted to say in my heart,mind and soul....

Today had a family outing with cousins and i see the difference after so long we last met and gathered together, everyone has grown up and so we talk about love, i really think i m up to no good to share anything about love to them. atleast they know what they are persusing in love but what about me? question marks everywhere in my head. i can advise them about love why can't i do the same to myself. if i do the same to myself will my partner be happy i am sure he will not be cos i am having doubts and could be nonsense to him again. Perhaps i've fallen for a guy and yet i thought i understand him for who he is and yet actually i didn't understand him at all... I'm missing you and really i am missing you which i can't tell why am i missing you so much......

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/28/2008 03:03:00 AM

Silent Night~

Today it's Christmas Eve~ Am always looking forward to this day every year of the time, suddenly i don't have the same feeling like i use to have few years back... Am i getting old and so i don't feel that way anymore? Or am i expecting too much then the outcome didn't turn out to be the one i wanted and so i feel this way? Anyway... it's still sometime till Christmas!! So Shall See....

Dedication of Silent Night by Wilson Phillips to all.....

Silent night
Holy night
All is calm
All is bright
Round yon virgin
Mother and child
Holy infant so,
Tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Silent night
Holy night
Son of god
Loves pure light
Radient beams from thy
Holy face
With the dawn of
Redeeming grace
Jesus lord at thy birth
Jesus lord at thy birth

Silent night
Holy night

Silent night
Holy night
All is calm
All is bright
Round yon virgin
Mother and child
Holy infant so,
Tender and mild
Sleep in heavenly peace
Sleep in heavenly peace

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/24/2008 03:05:00 PM

Updates... Updates.... Update....

Hmmm... Where should i start... Must have emo-ing too much till don't know where should i start.... ok there you go.........

13.12.2008 Company Hi-Tea @ Shangri-la.

Wanted to take pictures of the food but then decided not to... Cause the plate is like so BIG then is like i only take a little bit of these and that and look so messy in the plate so nah... decided not to take any pictures of food! Ohh but i do have some others taken... lazy to upload... BLah... Food not that nice actually but i really enjoy their teas that they served!! 90+ kind but tried a few too la.... And most important enjoy the company with those gals!!! I love you ppl... really nice catching up again... miss ya... will be looking forward to another catch up~~

After Hightea, headed for KTV session also company event.... so long since i last sing and drink... again was a nice one~ Enjoyed... Took a stroll down Orchard Road starring at those beautiful lightings with .... (hehehe) Overall a nice stay out weekend....

Oh... ignoring those "Emo" post i had earlier, yeah an indeed i was like so upset with what i am doing but nevertheless everything is cleared now!! Most Important I am HAPPY once AGAIN... I will cherish this time and not do any more silly stuff to hurt each other again.... *knock knock my head and make sure it gets in*

Was having TEDIOUS stock take making me staying up late to complete work yada yada...... Don't wish to whine since it's OVER! and overall was a successful one!! Yeah!! I can do it!! haha... ought to give myself a break catch a movie too... which is Twilight over the weekend at The Cathy. my first time watching in that theatre.... not a bad place though... yeah and met an old friend... It's such a small world... anyway my friend, best wishes to you ya... and nice seeing you again too... take good care ya...

Overall rating for this show.... Hmmm... Maybe just 6/10...
Apart from the beauty and hunk in there yeah and the romance story which is like "Modern Romeo & juliet" or Rather my date with a vampire (hk series) at some part it's like so funny like when their actions taken place. Never regret watching this romance movie especially with him..

Thank for the everything... looking forward to many many more happy memories with you.....

It's 2 more days to Christmas!!! Yeah my favourite holiday!! Everyone Enjoy this Festive ya.... A song for you ppl~~~ HO HO HO... Merry Christmas.........

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/23/2008 01:39:00 PM

A Song From You... Thank....

Thank for the dedication, i appreciate it... I'll enjoy and listen the song finished. I like the lyrics. =) A song to share with you people who are viewing my blog... Cheers~~~ 6 days more to Christmas!!!

I'LL STILL LOVE YOU MORE (Trisha Yearwood)

Ask me how much you mean to me
And I wouldn't even know where to start
Ask if this love runs deep in me
And you won't find a deeper love in any heart
You could say you couldn't live one day without me
You could say all of your thoughts are about me
You could think no other love could be as strong
But you'd be wrong, you'd be wrong

If you say that you love me
More than anybody
Than anyone's ever been loved before
As much as you love me
Baby, I'll still love you
Baby, I'll still love you more
I'll still love you more

Ask me just what I'd do for you
And I'll tell you I would do anything
Ask if this heart beats true for you
And I'll show you a truer heart could never be
You could say there's not a star that you won't bring me
You could say there'll be no day that you won't need me
You could think no other love could last as long
But you'd be wrong, you'd be wrong

If you say that you love me
More than anybody
Than anyone's ever been loved before
As much as you love me
Baby, I'll still love you
Baby, I'll still love you more

And for ev'ry kiss
I'll kiss you back a hundred times
And for ev'rything you do
I'll just do more
And for all the love you give
I'll give you so much back, you'll see
Got so much love for you inside

If you say that you love me
More than anybody
Than anyone's ever been loved before
No matter how much you love me
Baby, I'll still love you
Baby, I'll still love you more
I'll still love you more

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/19/2008 03:42:00 PM

Song Of The Day~

Shanice - Don't Break My Heart

baby i know
you're ready for love
you gotta be patient with me
for me
cos u're not burst
i want it to be
jus like a dream baby

so you know why i've been taking my time
do you think about the rest of my life
and yes i wanna spend it with you
hope that u're feeling baby
the same way too

so dont break my heart
if you do i'll cry forever
cos there's no way i could ever get over you
not in my life
my lifetime

baby there's no
no greater feeling
greater than being with you
me and you

baby i burst
forever sink
a drop of your love
your love

now hope that i'm not wasting my time
i've got better things to do in my life
so i hope that love to grow old with me
cos there's the only the only way
we can be

so don't break my heart
if you do i'll cry forever
cos there's no way i could ever get over you
not in my life
my lifetime

don't break my heart
if you do i'll cry forever
cos there's no way i could ever get over you
not in my life
in my lifetime

promise me you'll watch over me
oh jus promise me you're right here and right now
you know my little heart breaks so easily
so baby don't leave me don't leave me
don't leave me now

don't break my heart
if you do i'll cry forever
cos there's no way i could ever get over you
not in my life
in my lifetime

don't break my heart
if you do i'll cry forever
cos there's no way i could ever get over you
not in my lifetime
my lifetime

Jim Brickman - Destiny

What if I never knew
What if I never found you
I'd never have this feeling in my heart
How did this come to be
I don't know how you found me

But from the moment I saw you
Deep inside my heart I knew

Baby you're my destiny
You and I were meant to be
With all my heart and soul
I give my love to have and hold
And as far as I can see
You were always meant to be my destiny

I wanted someone like you
Someone that I could hold on to
And give my love until the end of time
But forever was just a word
Something I'd only heard about

But now you're always there for me
When you say forever I believe


Maybe all we need is just a little faith
'Cause baby I believe that love will find the way

(instrumental bridge)

Baby you're my destiny
You and I were meant to be
With all my heart and soul
I give my love to have and hold
And as I far as I can see
From now until eternity
You were always meant to be my destiny

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/18/2008 09:59:00 AM


快要死掉了!!! 气死我了!!! 为什么我会那么倒霉?? 遇到这些没良心的人!!! 我快要透不过气了!!! 明天就是我的死期了。。。到现在我什么都不能做。。。 =( 不能让他们打倒我!!! 因为我只要笑一笑没有什么事情过不了!!! 我可以的!! 加油! 加油!加油!

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/17/2008 02:39:00 PM

不甘示弱 ...

张栋梁 -不甘示弱

清晨的路口 还有你的面容
其实我还是不懂 到底哪里出了错
紧握的双手 现在选择沉默
忍不住想挽留 话却说不出口
一时的勇气 抹不掉伤心回忆
太倔强的我 还企图装洒脱
付出了太多 平衡不了是我
手心手背都是肉 怎么错的都是我
你用了冷漠 狠狠的错怪我
是你欺骗了我 我不能先低头

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/17/2008 10:30:00 AM


吴克群 - 爱太痛

吃不能吃 睡不能睡
没有了你 全都不对
我都学不会 把爱敷衍
笑不能笑 哭不敢哭
人不像人 鬼不像鬼
朋友都说这 不过失恋
能不能不爱了 因为爱太痛了
我痛得快死了 却无法把你忘了
能不能不爱了 爱情它太痛了
我痛得快死了 却无法把爱割舍
吃不能吃 睡不能睡
没有了你 全都不对
我都学不会 把爱敷衍
能不能不爱了 因为爱太痛了
我痛得快死了 却无法把你忘了
能不能不爱了 爱情它太痛了
我不能够 不能够不爱了
吃不能吃 睡不能睡

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/16/2008 10:13:00 PM











By2 - 不够成熟

还达不到 你的要求
只是怀念 你走以后
离开 难道真的是解脱
难道 真的要事过境迁了以后才懂
倔强说不痛 假装什么伤都没有
倔强抬起头 决不让眼泪往下流
倔强说不痛 假装什么伤都没有
真的不难过 笑着和你挥挥手

还达不到 你的要求
只是怀念 你走以后
难道 真的要事过境迁了以后才懂
倔强说不痛 假装什么伤都没有
倔强抬起头 决不让眼泪往下流
倔强说不痛 假装什么伤都没有
真的不难过 笑着和你挥挥手

如果有一天 我们有缘在见
你会不会想起 说过的永远

倔强说不痛 假装什么伤都没有
倔强抬起头 决不让眼泪往下流
倔强说不痛 假装什么伤都没有

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/16/2008 01:10:00 PM

Broken Heart...

A broken heart is a heart that has felt love.

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/15/2008 10:05:00 PM


I'm feeling so tired, mentally tired, physically tired, tired....tired.... tired.... =( I wish i could be heard, but again i don't wish to whine and whine and whine.... =( i'm unhappy... i'm upset.... i feel like crying........ what should i do?

Later will be working then going for company xmas gathering high tea at Shangri La followed by KTV session after that.... i should be feeling energise and looking forward to it right? but why am i not feeling so? arghhhhhhhhhhh................ Enough said.... hope to update more of tomorrow's event....

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/13/2008 02:05:00 AM

Updates Over the Long Weekend

Family day at East Coast Park, Had lunch at a Seafood restaurant.
Some pictures to share~
Too Many so post a few to show.

Overall Rating: 8/10, services is good too. Price wise reasonable, it's about $29 inclusive with the 10% of service charge and 7% of GST per pax. Up to 40 dishes to try, just that each dish can only be order once. But if you ever try all the dishes they are really restaurant standard and not those anyhow cook. Will be nice if more people go together, get to try many dishes they served there. Most important!! the freshness of the food served!! Thumbs up!!

Braised Mini Whole Abolone With Oyster Sauce
Braised Shark's Fin Soup With Crab Meat
Drunken Prawn With Herbal SoupSteam Tilapia With Thai Lemon SauceCrispy Fried Baby SquidPrawn SaladThai Seafood SaladSauteed Scallop With AsparagusStewed Seafood Beancurd In PotRoast Duck With Hot Sesame And Garlic SauceBlack Pepper Venison in Hot Plate
And after so long since i last watch mid night show! i watch BOLT.... It's so cute!!! Hmm... story line not that fancy but the characters in the movie is so CUTE!! hahaha Guess CUTE is the word to describe all i have to say for this show... Anyway it was really fun and nice during these long weekend which i had though is tiring....

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/09/2008 08:58:00 PM


遇见了一个真的好久不见的同学. 想回去那时候我们在学校的日子,脸上就带出了微笑. 我们大概有六年没见面了吧.以交换了联络号码.或许接近假期可以到她家做个拜访. 大家都各忙各的,岁月不留人,一转眼我们的年龄也渐渐高深.老了老了... 哈哈哈...

最近在平常日子,好像发生了许多事.一言难尽... 在精神方面,感觉到很累也很折磨,一自在寻找自己想要的快乐.大概是老天给我的考验吧,但我也希望它能高抬贵手,天啊!放我一条生路吧....成全我吧....

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/05/2008 10:03:00 AM

Quote Of The Day

Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/03/2008 10:54:00 AM





Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~12/02/2008 12:24:00 AM

♥ Broken-hearted ♥

Aries alias 天国の涙

♥ WishList ♥
Healthy Family
Financial Prob Free
Further My Studies
Learn to Rollerblade
Play bowling again
Holiday to Hongkong
Holiday to Taiwan

♥ The music in my heart ♥
Heaventears Playlist

♥ My Friends ♥

♥ Past tense ♥
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009

♥ Scream out loud ♥

♥ My Site Meter ♥
