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Updates... Updates.... Updates....

Haiyah..... as mentioned will update more on my birthday, but gals where are my photos!! hahaha... yeah we had fun and real fun. Though at first before everything starts during the nites out, i was indeed feeling EMO!! cos i felt i'm growing OLD!!! and seems like no achievement in life was great happening... nevertheless... Thank you gals!! And not forgetting all the birthday gifts and wishes form other... Appriciated!! Hugs...

HmmMmMmm..... i was resting at home the whole Saturday!! but still can't replenished the sleep that i lost. Oh now watching a new Taiwan drama series... 我的億萬麵包 Love or Bread. So far i watch still not bad, quiote a funny show, love their acting especially after the last drama i watch from them 惡作劇之吻 & 惡作劇2吻 . Find them a very cute couple... hehe

Apart from that i was so busy with work and feeling devastated too..... sigh family problem. It always such a pain in the neck. Anyway a nice video to share with all which i watch sometime ago. I'm really impressed with 47 Year old Susan Boyle wows the judges with her performance in the auditions for Britains Got Talent, singing I dreamed a dream from Les Miserables.

Here are the Lyrics

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high,
And life worth living
I dreamed that love would never die
I dreamed that God would be forgiving.

Then I was young and unafraid
When dreams were made and used,
And wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung,
No wine untasted.

But the tigers come at night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they tear your hopes apart
As they turn your dreams to shame.

And still I dream he'll come to me
And we will live our lives together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms
We cannot weather...

I had a dream my life would be
So different from this hell I'm living
So different now from what it seems
Now life has killed
The dream I dreamed.

Never judge a person by it's looks another saying will be Never judge a book by it's cover

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~4/23/2009 09:47:00 AM

Happy 26th Birthday !!

Thank to my colleagues at warehouse, so sweet of them... haha after few years working in warehouse this is the first birthday cake!!! hahaha... anyway thanks dudes.....

will update more....

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~4/17/2009 04:55:00 PM

Tuesday Blue....

Haven't been updating due to busy schedules. Recently, not sure what had happened, became lathargic very easily. Have i not being sleeping well? Am i dreaming too much? sigh~ Thought i was wearing out at work, so gave myself off on 2 Saturday which was last Saturday and coming Saturday.

Being sometime since i last attended wedding dinner, kind of refreshing in away to me. Regret i didn't attend my cousin's wedding as i was away in Redang. Or shall i call it a blessing than to feel the stress at the ceremony... Yeah was mentioning earlier i attended my ex collegue's wedding on Friday (Good Friday April 10.) at Marina Mandarin, very classy place though.

Hereby wishes them 新婚愉快,白头偕老,早生贵子。。。

A toss to the newly wed again....

Ohh.. then another worth memorising day is the following day, went Bugis with my dad, bro, bros's friend and one Andrea for Chong Qing Steamboat. It sounds funny right to call it a memorising day, the fact is that me myself couldn't even recall when is the last time i had steamboat and seems like a reunion meal with my dad and bro together. Let me think... hmmmm guess it's more than a decade...awww talking about it makes me tears drop... i really miss those days with parental's care love and concern. Yes ... age catching up and i am turning 26 in days to come.... Some how i felt am too strong to feel all these but of course who doesn't have soft spot and wish to be young again. Enjoyed the warmth meal with dad and bro was a blessing count. Will hold it in my heart always. Cherish the happy moments and cherish the love ones always...

Alright here comes Sunday, got complimentory tickets to the Zoo, so brought my colleagues there as they aren't local and yet to visit Zoo. Had a long day..... was feeling kinda emo that day like something hit on my head, telling me am really growing old and of course some memories hit on me too when i last visit Zoo. Thank to Peili for making effort to prepare nice food for us. Ohh this time i must admit i am lazy to prepare unlike last time i will not hesitate to prepare some finger food. Was drizzling during the start of the trip -_-" but yeah... they had fun! which is the most impt, some pics for sharing and am off to bed. Blog soon i hope... CiaoZ....

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~4/14/2009 10:50:00 PM

Quote Of The Day

"If I love something I do it, and if I don't, I don't.

I think that this is the most important choice that any of us can make in life, in art, in history; to do the thing you love.

If you love it then while you are doing it you are a true expression of yourself and your time and your story.
You are authentic."

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~4/08/2009 08:06:00 AM

My Redang Trip...

Here are some photos too many to choose from, so randomly pick a few which i feel is nice to share.. been very busy lately with work and personal. SO now then able to load some... hahaha.... sorry for that wait....

Transfering to Redang~

Here we are at More More Inn~

At Laguna Resort Jucuzzi

Views of Redang Resort~

Clarity of the sea~


Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~4/07/2009 08:53:00 PM

♥ Broken-hearted ♥

Aries alias 天国の涙

♥ WishList ♥
Healthy Family
Financial Prob Free
Further My Studies
Learn to Rollerblade
Play bowling again
Holiday to Hongkong
Holiday to Taiwan

♥ The music in my heart ♥
Heaventears Playlist

♥ My Friends ♥

♥ Past tense ♥
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009

♥ Scream out loud ♥

♥ My Site Meter ♥
