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Countiing down...3 More Days....

Time moved very quickly for me recently being very hectic at work, i am beginning to protest i think, i am having quarrels with customer which i know i shouldn't but really can't help it to reason out with that unreasonable freak, she really got onto my nerve, after so long tolerating all her shits & nonsenses and this time round i couldn't resist anymore and so i gave her crude remarks and even ask her go and complain about me if she's not happy about it and yes indeed she did it as what i expected... haha... nevertheless, it's not affecting me haha.... cos my boss also know what kind of person is she.

Got to admit that i'm having bad moodswings recently, it could be due to my medications i guess, suffering in silence... =( just hope people surrounding me can be more understanding towards all things that i've done. Call me the Emo Gal which everyone used to name me as one hahaha...

As per my header, yes another 3 more days he will be leaving to US for work. You will be missed. Too bad i'm unable to send him off as i have the doc appt. sigh... looking forward to tonight meet up with him ba. Ok going back to work..

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~7/31/2009 08:55:00 AM

Memorable Date 25 July 2009

Yeah... so long since i last blogged, being real busy with work and personal life. Nah Am not attached so don't have to ask me if i am... Finally i got a proper shelter but of cos there's pros and cons. Nvm am content at least always got a pay a price for everything.

Hmmm... sigh... my body is complaining to me le... am visiting hospital like twice a month and monthly medications for better health i hope. Living in Singapore really can't afford to fall sick the medical bill is killer to me... seriously i am working so hard to pay of bills only!!!

Oh ya.. refering to my header... yeah a memorable date with him, counting down to the date he will be leaving to US for work... Time flies indeed.... during these period of time where i didn't blogged, really went thru alot, be it ups or downs.... "roller coasters days"

Alright hopefully i can update more frequent same like before. but i doubt i can. will be having more work coming up. Pray for my health.... i will be fine!!

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~7/27/2009 09:54:00 AM

♥ Broken-hearted ♥

Aries alias 天国の涙

♥ WishList ♥
Healthy Family
Financial Prob Free
Further My Studies
Learn to Rollerblade
Play bowling again
Holiday to Hongkong
Holiday to Taiwan

♥ The music in my heart ♥
Heaventears Playlist

♥ My Friends ♥

♥ Past tense ♥
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009

♥ Scream out loud ♥

♥ My Site Meter ♥
