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Countiing down...3 More Days....

Time moved very quickly for me recently being very hectic at work, i am beginning to protest i think, i am having quarrels with customer which i know i shouldn't but really can't help it to reason out with that unreasonable freak, she really got onto my nerve, after so long tolerating all her shits & nonsenses and this time round i couldn't resist anymore and so i gave her crude remarks and even ask her go and complain about me if she's not happy about it and yes indeed she did it as what i expected... haha... nevertheless, it's not affecting me haha.... cos my boss also know what kind of person is she.

Got to admit that i'm having bad moodswings recently, it could be due to my medications i guess, suffering in silence... =( just hope people surrounding me can be more understanding towards all things that i've done. Call me the Emo Gal which everyone used to name me as one hahaha...

As per my header, yes another 3 more days he will be leaving to US for work. You will be missed. Too bad i'm unable to send him off as i have the doc appt. sigh... looking forward to tonight meet up with him ba. Ok going back to work..

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~7/31/2009 08:55:00 AM

Memorable Date 25 July 2009

Yeah... so long since i last blogged, being real busy with work and personal life. Nah Am not attached so don't have to ask me if i am... Finally i got a proper shelter but of cos there's pros and cons. Nvm am content at least always got a pay a price for everything.

Hmmm... sigh... my body is complaining to me le... am visiting hospital like twice a month and monthly medications for better health i hope. Living in Singapore really can't afford to fall sick the medical bill is killer to me... seriously i am working so hard to pay of bills only!!!

Oh ya.. refering to my header... yeah a memorable date with him, counting down to the date he will be leaving to US for work... Time flies indeed.... during these period of time where i didn't blogged, really went thru alot, be it ups or downs.... "roller coasters days"

Alright hopefully i can update more frequent same like before. but i doubt i can. will be having more work coming up. Pray for my health.... i will be fine!!

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~7/27/2009 09:54:00 AM

Quote Of The Day

Do not look for comfort in appearances or form, for they are hollow in truth. Seek comfort and love from the Source from which all form & appearances arise and you can be certain that all that you truly seek will be giving you.

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~6/28/2009 01:25:00 AM


Quite like this passage below. Hope the one reading enjoy it too.... Emo......me.......



泪水是我想你的滋味,我寄出的心无力挽回,如果回忆是唯一的回信,我不会忘记我曾经美丽。一分钟就能让一个人心动,一小时就能喜欢上一个人,一天就能爱上一个人.但是,要用一生的时间才能去忘掉。如此美丽夜晚,孤独是一种遗憾。想念得不到的爱情,已成习惯。情歌让我虚度浪漫,最后还是曲终人散。早知道和你注定是无尽的忧郁,我却不知该如何收回我的心意.不能说出的故事,一场美丽的相遇,爱是一场不悔的沉醉. 爱过了就不要轻言说后悔,伤过了才知道爱的痛苦,人没有一帆风顺的,要走过低谷才会看到光明。一首首歌,都像是你我的开始与结束,现在才知道,幸福很短暂.曾以为自己拥有全世界,后来才知道,一直一无所有!渺苍穹,淡别离,此情已去,愿君多回忆。我欲孤身走四季,悲恨相续,漠然已无语。爱是缘,被爱是分。有缘无分,或者有分无缘都是一幕人间悲剧。如果缘由天定,分却在于人为。既然我尽了最大的努力也不能使你幸福,而且我并不是您生命中必不可少的,所以我选择离开----祝你幸福!

删除你的一切联络方式把你从我的生命中删除;用逃避自己的方式来逃避你.独自品味共同回忆.必须离开你,因爱你. 什么是爱,什么叫恨,每一种感触不在心内相印;合则是爱,分则有恨,有一种解释就称做缘分。有时候执着是一种重负或一种伤害,放弃却是一种美丽.有你的日子总忐忑不安,分手一刻又六神无主,不知该不该爱你,我真的错了吗?当爱情不能完美,我宁愿选择无悔,不论来生多么美丽,我无法失去今生对你的记忆!分手已说出来,怎会仍深深的感觉无奈。泪已流下来,怎可让它堆积成海。不经意间你来到了我身边,我以为你只是一片鸿毛,当你从我手心飘落时我才知道,我失去的是我的全部.鱼说:我在流泪,你看不见,因为我在水里面.水说:妳在流泪,我看的见,因为我在你心里面.感谢你的好,但要谢绝你的爱.我曾经那么的用情,但却被人轻易的忘记.我不想再重复昨天的故事. 这些话只说一遍,我真心让你走。那双更温暖的手,你一定要好好的握。别担心我,你多保重,你一定要比我幸福。

我真的很爱你,不想让你走,可是.泪水曾经为亲情中所受的委屈而流,泪水曾经为爱情中逝去的温馨而流,那么此刻的泪水究竟是为谁而流.天空灰灰的,阴阴的,似乎很配合我的心情,不经意泪水淌在脸旁,它已成为两行.为何它总是偷偷的跑出来和我讲道理;谈意义,难道真是外表坚强的我内心太柔弱?直来直去,不会一味的顺从一直以来就是我的脾气. 性格外向内心孤寂的我侧过脸去看着外面昏暗的天空,阴冷的天气,突然觉得很有诗意,没有太阳温暖的朝气,没有月亮皎洁的美丽,没有星星浪漫的气息,却带给我一份平和的安逸,悲情的秘密.



Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~6/16/2009 12:29:00 AM


Feel like blogging and yet didnt know what to blog down... Finally i think i am loving myself more than anything else... I've consult the doctor which i need long time ago, all i can do is to wait for appt and results... 3 tubes of blood lost, sigh.... hopefully is not too late to love myself now.... i feel so sorry to my health... i've neglected so much.... Now i can only pray i am fine....

I've alot of things to blog about really..... perhaps another time with the update of visit to the museums and outings with frens and colleagues... Time to turn in....

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~6/12/2009 02:27:00 AM

Quote Of The Day

Never take someone for granted. Hold every person close to your heart. Because you might wake up one day. And realize that you've lost a diamond. While you were too busy collecting stones.

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~6/07/2009 11:47:00 AM

Quote Of The Day

Shape your life by the way you think. Shape your thinking by the way you love. Shape your love by your willingness to open your heart. Open your heart by your sheer desire to experience more love.

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~6/05/2009 08:45:00 AM


In the end we met at those wee hours... till dawn.... sigh.... anyway, Monday blue as usual.... now at work unsure if the plan will be a good one anyway just move with the flow, hopefuly the arrangement this time work out well and smooth. Hopefully able to tie thru this crucial period of time at work. Just woke up from nap. Going back to sleep again... Feverish me.... sigh... missing him again... =( Gambeteh for my weight management.... not sure today is number which day but seems to be quite well manage except of the lack of sleep. Aries u can do it!! jia you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Almost forgotten.. watching Night at the museum 2 tomorrow with lili~~~ Looking forward yeah..........

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~5/25/2009 10:20:00 PM

WeEeEeeEee.... Sunday (~_~) \ /

Little updates~~ SUNDAY!!! Surprise lo!!! Andrea ask me to Sentosa which i tot i was dreaming at first lo!! cos is like over the years i known her, when i asked her to the sentosa beach for swim she will reject me lo.... but this time she asked if i wanna go!! hahahaa..... and WE WENT of cos... my fav.... =D~~~ Nothing much to update on today actually... ohh actually suppose to meet the someone... but in the end... we didnt meet le.... sigh....

Oh Here's a few things in the list to do:

1. Hey family and friends, i need your full support!!! i am on weight management programme now!!! Don't ask me for buffet, supper and food that can make me FAT!! I am serious oh.... Don't call me spoilspot if i reject you ok... haha.... DON'T YOU DARE TO TEMPT ME!! LOL.....

2. I want to pick up medidation and yoga courses soon if possible.... think i really need it for my health....

3. Planning for a short holiday to Redang again? i love the sea there!! i missing it now.... Awwwww......

4. Stay Determine!! Perseverance!! Endurance!! For the sake of my health!!!

ok... Tired now... Off to bed....

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~5/24/2009 11:09:00 PM

Quote Of The Day

Do not hide your feelings from yourself. It is only through your acknowledgment and loving embrace of them that you are able to truly let them go

Photobucket ~*Heaventears*~5/23/2009 12:08:00 PM

♥ Broken-hearted ♥

Aries alias 天国の涙

♥ WishList ♥
Healthy Family
Financial Prob Free
Further My Studies
Learn to Rollerblade
Play bowling again
Holiday to Hongkong
Holiday to Taiwan

♥ The music in my heart ♥
Heaventears Playlist

♥ My Friends ♥

♥ Past tense ♥
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009

♥ Scream out loud ♥

♥ My Site Meter ♥
